Submit your paper here before March 16, 2025


Paper Format:

The manuscript must follow the standard IEEE camera-ready format.

  • IEEE templates in MS Word, here
  • LaTex Formatting Macros, here



Papers Submission Guidelines:

  • Only original unpublished contributions are solicited for presentation.
  • Plagiarism in any form will lead to the rejection of the paper.
  • Simultaneous submissions (papers already submitted to other conferences/ journals) are not allowed.
  • All papers must follow strict IEEE formatting instructions.
  • Violation of which will lead to rejection of the paper.
  • Submitted papers should be written in English with a maximum length of 6 pages.
  • No-show papers are defined as papers submitted by authors who subsequently did not present the paper in-person
         (no videos, no remote cast) at the conference.
  • Noshow papers will be identified as “No-Show” and will not be published.
  • No refund of the paid fees can be claimed by the no-show author.


Review Process:

  • Double-blind reviewing
  • Minimum of 2 reviewers per paper; all reviewers are subject matter experts
  • Each reviewer will be given maximum 3 papers to review in a one-month period.
  • Papers will be checked for plagiarism