Submission Link, here
Paper Format:
It is required that the manuscript follows the standard IEEE camera-ready format.
Papers Submission Guidelines:
- Only original unpublished contributions are solicited for presentation. Simultaneous submissions (papers already submitted to other conferences/journals) are not allowed. Plagiarism in any form will lead to the rejection of the paper.
- Authors are requested to submit their papers through the EDAS submission system (available here).
- All papers must follow strict IEEE formatting instructions. Violation of which will lead to rejection of the paper.
- Submitted papers should be written in English with a maximum length of 6 pages.
- No-show papers are defined as papers submitted by authors who subsequently did not present the paper in-person or remotely at the conference. No-show papers will be identified as “No-Show” and will not be published.
- Online paper presentation will be allowed for researchers from outside Jordan (upon request)
Review Process:
- Double-blind reviewing.
- Minimum of 2 reviewers per paper; all reviewers are subject matter experts.
- All submissions will undergo plagiarism checks.
Registration Fees
- One registration covers a single paper to be presented at the conference.
- For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for the conference and present the paper at ICSCS 2025 in order to be included in the conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore.
- Letters of Attendance will be available at the conference upon request.
Fees/Early Registration |
Fees/Late Registration |
Author IEEE Member |
100$ |
150$ |
Author Non-IEEE Member |
150$ |
200$ |
Author (Student) |
75$ |
75$ |
IEEE Student Member | 75$ (awarded by IEEE-Jordan Section) | |
Attendee (IEEE Member) | 75$ | 100$ |
Attendee (Non-IEEE) |
100$ |
125$ |
Student Attendee |
75$ |
75$ |