Middlesex University, UK
Prof. George Dafoulas
The Future of Security and Forensic Computing in the new Education 2.0 era and Emphasis in Globalisation
The complex interconnection of services has multiplied the points of vulnerability, i.e. "doors" through which potential attackers can act. As a consequence, the need of improving society’s collective resilience to cyber-attacks can be only achieved with the involvement of all actors regardless of their level of ICT expertise. Cyber risk is not only an IT risk, as today's reality is one in which cyber-attacks involve, and in almost every case, a human. In this reality, education in cyber security cannot be limited to technical approaches by– and for– IT professionals, but must extend to include eventually all the citizens. It turns out that one size does not fit all, and personalised educational paths adapted to the role of the person in the interconnected environment, are needed for effective cyber defense.