Middlesex University, UK
Prof. George Dafoulas
I am an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department, School of Science and Technology, at Middlesex University, where I am also the department's Director of Programmes. My role is a combination of producing internationally excellent research output, enhancing the learning experience of our students with the introduction of creative and innovative practices, delivering world class teaching to my students, ensuring that and coordinating a number of departmental (e.g. programme delivery, curriculum design, staff-related issues) and school-wide operations (e.g. employability strategy, quality, assessment and progression).
I have authored six books, and more than 100 papers in a number of international conferences and journals. I am acting as a member of the organising and program committees for international events, and participate in editorial boards for a number of journals. I have led and currently lead externally funded projects from UK, EU and international councils. My consultancy expertise is in the fields of e-learning, social media, learning analytics, educational technologies, quality issues in education, informatics, computer supported cooperative work and project management.
One of my core skills include the creation of e-learning content, e-books, online assessments and training materials including induction handbooks and staff development procedures. I am highly trained and experienced in institutional and programme validation and accreditation as well as quality assurance of higher and further education provision. I have led the curriculum design and development process for a number of programmes. I have managed more than 20 externally funded projects, and I am trained (practitioner level) in PRINCE2.
Title: The Digital Future. Research and Education challenges in cybersecurity and digital forensics
The shift towards Education 4.0 has changed significantly the pressure for a learning experience that is fully aligned to a volatile employment sector. Therefore, there is a need for a revised pedagogical approach in the way digital forensic curricula are delivered and supported. The evolution of educational technologies, as well as the increasing integration of a range of hands-on experiences in the learning process means that the digital forensic programmes are enhanced with the use of Internet of Things, Immersive Learning Environments, Social Learning Networks, Augmented Virtual and Mixed Reality, Sensor Generated Data, Biometrics and new perspectives of the impact ethical, social and professional issues have on security and privacy. Such pressures triggered a significant reshaping of learning, teaching and assessment practices, with emphasis on delivery digital forensics programmes in ways that equip graduates towards seamless employability readiness. This keynote will (i) discuss the various challenges of the changing educational sector, (ii) share examples of good practice in delivering programmes within the framework of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and (iii) provide guidance for adapting new educational practices in the delivery of digital forensic programmes.